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TAFGH won the trust of the patient, who designated TAFGH to treat her.


Mr.s Chang, who lives in Taichung was abroad in Dubai in April. During an outdoor event on 12th, she had an accident and caused her L 1 verterbra to fracture, and was rushed to the local hospital right away. In the bed for 7 consecutive days, surgery was then suggested. However, Mr.s Chang trusted TAFGH and Dr. Du, doctor of the orthopedic department, and decided to return to our hospital through out-of-country emergency program.
She arrived on 19th, and the surgery was scheduled on 22th. After the surgery, she has been recovered well.
According to Mr.s Chang, “I couldn’t show more gratitude enough to Dr. Du and TAFGH. Under their exquisite care, I was able to receive treatment immediately and properly. By the way, my daughter was also operated by Dr. Du due to Scoliosis few years ago. So our family show true gratefulness to TAFGH and Dr. Du.”
General Wang, Dean of TAFGH, indicated that he also showed great thankfulness on behalf of the staff not only to Mr.s Chang for choosing TAFGH to treat her but also the effort of the orthopedic team and Dr. Du. “To improve our trust from the patient, we should refine our skills and keep moving on!”, General said.

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