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International Medical Service

Medical Specialties

Service Experience

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body

Sometimes, a rainy day makes a cloudy mood. However, it’s not for this Hong Kong madam. She had suffered from left hip pain for 3 years and become irritable gradually.

The Hong Kong madam had visited many doctors in Hong Kong but her problem remain. Then her friend introduced Dr. Lin  in Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital. Dr. Lin diagnosed and explained her problem clearly instead
of planning a surgery immediately. It made her feel relieved and made up her mind to accept the operation.

The operation went well. She even could start to stand only after the surgery one day. Three months later, when the Hong Kong madam went back to our hospital for follow-up, she could walk with smile on her face, without crutch in her hands.

Better late than never

A Vietnam aged woman broke her left leg and accepted a surgery since 4 years ago. Nevertheless, she still could not walk well. And 2 year after the surgery, she felt so pain that she even could not walk without walker frame. Doctors in
Vietnam suggested her to accept another surgery, but she was too afraid and refused.

The Vietnam woman had a daughter married in Taiwan for decade. In her daughter’s advice, she decided to visit our hospital. Once bitten twice shy. She still could not make her mind. Later, Dr. Lin  showed some success case and
patients who had surgery before in our hospital shared their experience. After she visited our outpatient department another time, she decided to accept the surgery.

During the surgery, little bone scraps still could be found in the Vietnam woman’s hip joint. However, surgery went well and she could walk slowly in a week without pain. In outpatient department follow-up, she could walk without walker
frame. “It’s so good that I can walk by myself.” she said.


Notice to the hospital

Travel Information

Taichung Tourism and Travel Bureau

  • International medical service coordinator
    Domestic call:04-2393-4191#12 Ext.525280
    International call:(002+886+4)2393-4191#12 Ext.525280
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