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Happy 77th birthday to the Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital!


On March 30th, an early celebration was held, and we were honored to have Major General Zhi Hong Wang, the Deputy Director of the Medical Affairs Bureau Ministry of National Defense, as the host. We also invited the 27th and 29th deans, Tai Hung Guo and Wu Xian Guo, as well as alumni from the National Defense Medical Center and the “803 Friends” to celebrate together.

Director Hong expressed gratitude for the hard work and dedication of the predecessors over the past 77 years. In recent years, the hospital has benefited greatly from the support of the Medical Affairs Bureau Ministry of National Defense, with the addition of various medical equipment and devices. Remarkable performances have been made in an advanced health examination, Intra-arterial thrombectomy, and various surgical operation. Of course, Improvement of medical equipment upgrading medical equipment, the most important thing is communication between people and providing high-quality service. By continuously improving our medical skills, the 803 teams are committed to safeguarding the health and well-being of the military and civilians in the greater Taichung area.


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view:11,536updated date:2023-04-17Back