- 耳鼻喉科服務範圍涵蓋耳部、鼻部、咽喉部等頭頸相關的診療,本科擁有專業醫療軟硬體設備,以精準醫療、智慧醫療為導向,提供病患多元化的治療方針。
- 科內醫師皆在醫學中心接受完整的專科醫師訓練,皆具豐富的專業知識與臨床經驗,並取得教育部部定教職,經驗與技能皆達醫學中心水平
- 醫師們亦定期出國參加耳鼻喉科醫學會,於會中發表相關研究成果,透過與國際學術交流,吸收醫學新知,引進新技術與概念,完善科內醫療知能。
- 目前每年與國防醫學院、陽明交通大學、台北醫學大學、中臺科技大學及勤益科技大學皆有固定研究計畫。科內醫師具豐富臨床經驗外,亦積極參與國際學術會議發表論文,將本院的研究成果分享國際;也與國際專家做學術交流,增進醫學知識。最近一次為2024的歐洲耳鼻喉醫學會。
- 科內醫師近三年發表國際學術論文共14篇,其中四篇Rank在50%以內,其中四篇Rank在20%以內,為國際期刊肯定之高品質學術論文。
- 眩暈、耳痛、耳鳴、外耳道炎、中耳炎、中耳積水、外耳異物聽力障礙、顏面神經麻痺等。
- 本科新購最新型耳顯微鏡及耳內視鏡,提供各種耳科手術,積極發展微創中耳內視鏡手術,大幅縮短手術時間及術後照顧。
- 耳科主要設備有中耳功能檢查儀、聽性腦幹檢查儀、高階前庭光電眼振螢幕系統、複頻式中耳分析儀、聽力檢查儀、耳咽管檢測儀及重心動搖檢測儀。
- 鼻出血、鼻塞、流鼻水、鼻涕倒流、鼻過敏、鼻部變形、鼻息肉、鼻甲肥厚、鼻中膈彎曲、嗅覺異常等。
- 本科廣泛應用微創內視鏡影像系統進行鼻部手術,目前已引進領導業界之3D立體導航手術系統,使手術視野更精準、傷口更小,減少病人併發症的發生率。本科獨創新式鼻部手術,術後幾乎無痛感,且恢復更快。另本科鼻整型手術與業界發展同步,效果治療效果深獲肯定。
- 咽喉痛、扁桃腺炎、咽喉異物、口腔潰瘍、口腔病變、聲音沙啞、舌頭疾病、吞嚥異常、打呼、睡眠呼吸中止症、喉頭異物感及吞嚥障礙等。
- 耳鼻喉腫瘤,包含鼻部、鼻咽腔、口腔、舌頭、咽部、喉部、聲帶、唾液腺暨甲狀腺之腫瘤,皆能妥善處理。若確認為癌症,本院有癌症專科團隊,手術併放、化療治療,具有專業性及完整性,技術及經驗皆與醫學中心同步。
- 另本院領先同儕之IGRT影像導引放射治療(真光刀)、高脈衝雷射手術儀,同時發展細胞治療、免疫療法等,打造精準醫療。
- 現代人常見的睡眠呼吸中止,陸續有多項睡眠生理檢查、麻醉誘導睡眠內視鏡等,治療前先進行精準評估,可依照每位病人之獨特狀況客製化個人醫療。
- 主要設備有3D內視鏡及超脈衝雙輸出光纖二氧化碳雷射組,以高階微創手術進行。
- 持續研發與創新,發展精準醫療,提供準醫學中心等級之服務與技術。
- 發展甲狀腺射頻消融手術及耳咽管氣球擴張手術,提供更便民之醫療服務。
- 提供專業語言治療服務,進行頭頸癌患者之吞嚥及嗓音復健,以及聲帶疾病患者之音聲治療。
- 本科新購最新型耳顯微鏡及耳內視鏡,提供各種耳科手術,積極發展微創中耳內視鏡手術,大幅縮短手術時間及術後照顧。
- 耳科主要設備有1.聽力評估:聽力檢查儀、中耳分析儀(鼓室圖、聽反射、耳咽管功能)、2.電生理評估:聽性腦幹檢查儀、聽覺穩定狀態電位反應檢查儀、耳聲傳射檢查儀(DPOAE)、3.內耳前庭功能評估:前庭誘發肌電位檢查儀、高階前庭光電眼振螢幕系統及重心動搖檢測儀。
- 廣泛應用微創內視鏡影像系統進行鼻部手術,目前已引進耗資千萬之3D立體導航手術系統,更有效移除病變區域,使手術視野更精準、傷口更小,減少病人併發症的發生率。
- 另外本科獨創新式鼻部手術,術後幾乎無痛感,且恢復更快。
- 鼻科主要設備有3D鼻竇內視鏡組、立體定位導航手術系統、動力旋轉刀(又稱微型吸絞器)系統、鼻用雷射系統。
- 服務項目為口腔及咽喉頭頸相關疾患,如音聲疾患、口腔癌、口咽癌、喉癌、下咽癌、頭頸部腫瘤、睡眠呼吸中止症、及吞嚥障礙等。
- 配合本院領先同儕之IGRT影像導引放射治療(真光刀),讓耳鼻喉的癌症治療更加全面及完整。另外與醫學中心同步,發展細胞治療、免疫療法等最新精準醫療,讓後期之耳鼻喉頭頸癌症病患接受最先進之醫療服務。
- 現代人常見的睡眠呼吸中止,陸續有多項睡眠生理檢查、麻醉誘導睡眠內視鏡等,治療前先進行精準評估,可依照每位病人之獨特狀況客製化個人醫療。
日期 | 標題 | 點閱 |
112-07-14 | 耳鼻喉科-自費特材 | 27465 |
112-07-14 | 高階前庭光電眼振排程單 | 27708 |
112-07-14 | 指導患者耳滴劑使用方法 | 27498 |
112-07-14 | 慢性中耳穿孔-耳內視鏡微創手術治療 | 27602 |
112-07-14 | 耳石脫落症—垂直型 | 106608 |
112-07-14 | 耳石脫落症—水平型 | 34005 |
- 鼻中膈鼻道成形術(反覆性鼻塞、流鼻水)
- 懸雍垂顎咽成形術(打呼、反覆扁桃腺發炎、扁桃腺腫大、睡眠呼吸中止)
- 鼓室成形術(耳膜破損、傳導性聽障)
- 中耳通氣管置入術(耳朵積水、積膿)鼻電燒灼術、鼻雷射、低溫射頻手術(流鼻血、鼻塞)
- 喉顯微手術(聲帶結節、腫瘤、鼻息肉、鼻或鼻竇腫瘤、黴菌性鼻竇炎)
- 功能鼻竇內視鏡手術(鼻竇炎)
- 喉閃頻及喉鏡內視鏡:可快速診斷下咽部、喉部、聲帶之疾病進而更詳盡評估及治療,聲音沙啞病患也可進行聲音評估
- 鼻咽纖維內視鏡:針對鼻腔、鼻咽、口咽及下咽部之病灶加以診斷
- 純音聽力檢查儀、耳聲傳射檢查、中耳聽阻分析:聽力功能之評估及診斷
- 聽性腦幹反應檢查儀:聽神經瘤之診斷
- 重心動搖儀檢查:幫助眩暈病患評估內耳功能,以利治療
- 過敏原檢驗:可幫助鼻過敏病患即早查出對何種過敏原過敏,加以預防治療
- 鼻甲電燒灼:針對鼻塞病患快速解決鼻塞之苦
- 2024年都柏林世界耳鼻喉科醫學會
- 2023年杜拜世界耳鼻喉科醫學會(論文發表、壁報展示)
- 賴文森主任參加電台活動
- 2016年斯德哥爾摩第二十六屆歐洲鼻科研討會(論文發表)
- 2016年都柏林第三十屆世界語言暨音聲年會及學術研討會
- 2015年布拉格第三屆歐洲耳鼻喉暨頭頸外科年會及學術研討會(論文發表)
- 2014年阿姆斯特丹第二十五屆歐洲鼻科研討會(論文發表)
- 2014年新加坡中央醫院功能性鼻整形手術進修(右一賴文森右二吳昭寬)
- 2020- present Reviewer, Frontiers in Pharmacology
- 2017-present Editorial board, the Journal of Taiwan Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery
- 2017-present Reviewer, the Journal of Taiwan Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery
- 2004M.S., Institute of Aerospace and Undersea Medicine, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2000M.D., Department of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2014-Present Head, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
- 2015 Visiting Scientist, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, U.S.A
- 2011-2013 Attending Physician of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
- 2010-present Lecturer, School of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center,
- 2009 Postgraduate study, Clinical Skills laboratory, Postgraduate Institute, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
- 2004-2011 Resident, Chief Resident, Attending physician, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2023A novel technique in sinus surgery with turbinectomy. The International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Societies World Congress 2023 (IFOS ENT World Congress 2023 Dubai) Oral Presentation 2023 Efficacy of Dymista nasal spray in isolated tracheal mucosa. The International ederation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Societies World Congress 2023 (IFOS ENT World Congress 2023 Dubai) Oral Presentation
- 2021A novel technique in sinus surgery with turbinectomy – fewer complications and better life quality. The 28th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society in conjunction with 39th International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose and 21th Congress of the International Rhinology Society (ERS 2021 Thessaloniki) Oral Presentation
- 2019 Use of hemostatic matrix and fibrin sealant in nasal surgery – a novel technique. The 5rd European Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL and Head & Neck Surgery (CEORL-HNS 2019 Brussels) E-poster
- 2018 The 27th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society in conjunction with 37th International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose and 19th Congress of the International Rhinology Society (ERS 2018 London)
- 2017 Measurement of objective glottal area using laser beam laryngo- stroboscopy and multi-slice spiral computed tomography. The International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Societies World Congress 2017 (IFOS ENT World Congress 2017 Paris) Oral Presentation
- 2016 Effects of Oral Bronchodilator on Tracheal Smooth Muscle in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma. The 26th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society in conjunction with 35th International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose and 17th Congress of the International Rhinology Society (ERS-ISIAN-IRS 2016 Stockholm) Oral presentation
- 2015 Measurement of Glottal Area using Laser Beam Strobo-laryngoscoy. The 3rd Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL and Head &
- Neck Surgery (CEORL-HNS 2015 Prague) Oral presentation
- 2014Effect of Antihistamine nasal spray on Tracheal Smooth muscle. The 25th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society in conjunction with 32nd
- International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose (ERS-ISIAN 2014 Amsterdam) Oral presentation
- 2013 Azelastine Nasal Spray Inhibiting Parasympathetic Function of Tracheal Smooth Muscle. The 11th Japan-Taiwan Conference of Otolaryngology-
- Head and Neck Surgery (TJENT2013). Oral presentation.
- 2012 Application of Laser-Assisted Strobo-laryngoscope on The Measurement of Glottal Area. Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Annual Scientific Meeting Oral presentation
- 2011 Application of Laser-Assisted Strobo-laryngoscope on The Measurement of Glottal Area. The 11th Japan-Taiwan Conference of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (JTC2011) Oral presentation
- 2009 Attic Obliteration Alone or Combined with Mastoid Obliteration applied in Middle Ear Surgery. The 10th Taiwan-Japan Conference of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (TJENT2009) Oral presentation
- Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis
- Voice and laryngology
- Head and neck cancer
- Chou YL*, Wang HW. Desmopressin nasal spray inhibiting parasympathetic function on isolated tracheal smooth muscle. Int J Med Sci. 2024 Jul 21(9): 1783-1789. DOI: 10.7150/ijms.98166 (SCI)
- Chou YL* Wang YT, Cheng LH, Liu SC, Wang HW. Efficacy of levocetirizine in isolated rat tracheal smooth muscle. Int J Med Sci. 2023 Oct 2;20(13):1671-1678. Doi: 10.7150/ ijms. 86769. (SCI)
- Chou YL*, Wang HW, Effect of betahistine on isolated rats’ tracheal smooth muscles. J Med Sci. 2023 DOI: 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_224_22 (SCI)
- Chen CT, Chou YL* Wang. HW. Using a modified apron tracheostomy to prevent stoma stenosis post a total laryngectomy. J Sur Re Rep: JSRR-108, 2023.
- Lin YC , Shih CP, Chen HC, Chou YL*, Sytwu HK, Fang MC, Lin YY, Kuo CY, Su HH, Hung CL, Chen HK Wang CH, Ultrasound Microbubbles Enhance the Efficacy of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Therapy for the Treatment of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Molecules. 2021 Jun 13;26(12):3626. (SCI)
- Lin YC, Lin YY, Chen HC, Kuo CY, Liao AH, Chou YL*, Hung CL, Shih CP, Wang CH, Ultrasound Microbubble-Facilitated Inner Ear Delivery of Gold Nanoparticles Involves Transient Disruption of the Tight Junction Barrier in the Round Window Membrane. Front Pharmacol. 2021 Jun 28;12:689032 (SCI)
- Wang HW, Liu SC, Chou YL*, Kao CH, Kuo CFJ, The Effect of Inspiration and Phonation on Vocal Fold Length. Journal of Rhinolaryngo-Otologies, 2015 Mar, 3(1):1-53(1):1-5 DOI:10.12970/2308-7978.2015.03.01.1
- Jeffrey Kuo CF J, Wang HW, Hsiao SW, Peng KC, Chou YL*, Lai CY, Hsu CT M, Development of laryngeal video stroboscope with laser marking module for dynamic glottis measurement. Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2014 Jan;38(1):34-41. doi: 10.1016 (SCI)
- Chou YL*, Huang BR, Wang CH. En Bloc Surgical Removal of An Asymptomatic Glomus Tympanicum Tumor. J Chin Med Assoc. 2011 Nov;74(11):520-22. (SCI)
- Chou YL*, Kang BH, Radiology Quiz Case: Ectopic minor salivary gland with mucocele formation. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011;137(4):404. (SCI)
- Lin YY, Chou YL*, Chu YH, Wu CC, Wang JY, Wang HW, Effects of cromolyn sodium on isolated rat’s trachea. Allergy Rhinol (Providence). 2011 Apr-Jun; 2(2): e46–e50. doi: 10.2500/ar.2011.2.0015
- Lee JC, Chou YL*, Antrochoanal Polyp. N Engl J Med. 2010 Jun 3;362(22):2113
- Chou YL*, Wu CC, HW Wang, Effects of bambuterol and terbutaline on isolated rat’s tracheal smooth muscle. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Aug;267(8):1305-11
- Wang HW, Chou YL*, Chu YH. Azelastine nasal spray inhibiting parasympathetic function of tracheal smooth muscle. Rhinol 48(2):211-5, 2010. (SCI)
賴文森 醫師 論文著作:
A. 期刊 (2012~2019年) 論文著述:
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Lee JC. Accidental Intubation of the Soft Palate. Ear Nose Throat J. 2018 Oct (E-Pub)(SCI)
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Lee JC. Bilateral intubation granulomas. Ear Nose Throat J. 2019 Feb;98(2):78. (SCI)
- Cheng SY, Cheng LH, Liao YS, Lai WS. A rare laryngeal tumor in a patient with thyroid papillary cancer: granular cell tumor. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Jul – Aug;84(4):519-522. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Cheng SY, Lin YY, Yang PL, Lin HC, Cheng LH, Yang JM, Lee JC. Clinical assessment of diode laser-assisted endoscopic intrasphenoidal vidian neurectomy in the treatment of refractory rhinitis. Lasers Med Sci. 2017 Dec;32(9):2097-2104 (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Wang CH, Chen HC. Measles: A missed cause of acute tonsillitis. Ear Nose Throat J. 2017 Oct-Nov;96(10-11):E54-E55. (SCI)
- Lin HC, Huang YS, Chu YH, Liu SC, Shangkuan WC, Lai WS, Yang JM, Lin YS, Ma KH, Lee JC. Vascular anatomy is a determining factor of successful submental flap raising: a retrospective study of 70 clinical cases. PeerJ. 2017 Sep 19;5:e3606. (SCI)
- Lin YY, Chen HC, Lai WS, Wu LW, Wang CH, Lee JC, Kao TW, Chen WL. Gender Differences in the Association between Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Hearing Threshold Shifts. Sci Rep. 2017 May 19;7(1):2201. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Shih CP, Chen HC, Yang PL, Chu YH, Yang JM, Lee JC. Clinical application of suction tube-assisted septal submucosal dissection for endoscopic septoplasty. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Mar;274(3):1471-1475. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang HW. Nodular Torus Palatinus. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2016 Jul;116(7):491.
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Lee JC. Bilateral intubation granulomas. Ear Nose Throat J. 2016 Mar;95(3):E44 (SCI)
- Yang ML, Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH. Supraglottic schwannoma presenting as upper airway obstruction in an elderly man. Int J Gerontol. 2015 Dec 9(4):239-42 (SCI)
- Tsai WC, Yang JM, Liu SC, Chu YH, Lai WS, Lin YS, Lee JC. Management of different kinds of head and neck defects with the submental flap for reconstruction. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Dec;272(12):3815-9. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lee JC, Chu YH, Chang YN. Giant Stensen’s Duct Calculus. Ear Nose Throat J. 2015 Apr-May;94(4-5):144. (SCI)
- Lee JC, Lai WS, Ju DT, Chu YH, Yang JM. Diode laser assisted minimal invasive sphenoidotomy for endoscopic transphenoidal pituitary surgery: Our technique and results. Lasers Surg Med. 2015 Mar;47(3):239-42. (SCI)
- Chang TS, Lai WS, Kuo CY, Wang CH. Osteoma of the middle ear. Ear Nose Throat J. Ear Nose Throat J. 2014 Oct-Nov;93(10-11):E43. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lee JC. Intranasal Ectopic Tooth. Indian J. Med. Res. 2014 Nov;140:80. (SCI)
- Su WF, Liu SC, Cheng LH, Chang YN, Chiu FS, Lin YY, Lai WS, Feng HM, Wu CK. Revised thyroplasty: The importance of inner perichondrium dissection. J Med Sci. 2014 Sep-Oct;34(5):207-210.
- Lai WS, Liu FC, Wang CH, Chen HC. Unusual cancer in primary Sjogren syndrome. Can Fam Physician. 2014 Oct:60(10): 912-915. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Yang PL, Lee CH, Lin YY, Chu YH, Wang CH, Wang HW, Shih CP. The association of frontal recess anatomy and mucosal disease on the presence of chronic frontal sinusitis: A computed tomographic analysis. Rhinology. 2014 Sep:52(3) 208-214. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lin JC. Recurrent serotype K1 Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscess: a single or different pathogen? J Med Sci. 2014 May-Jun:34(3):133-136
- Lai WS, Shih CP. Triple torus palatinus. Indian J. Med. Res. 2014 May;139:788 (SCI)
- Lee JC, Tsai KK, Chen HC, Shih CP, Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH, Lin YS. Clinical presentation and treatment of primary and secondary paranasal mucoceles. J Med Sci. 2014 Jan-Feb;34(1):19-22.
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Wang CH, Wang HW. Efficacy of fexofenadine in isolated rat tracheas. Rhinology. 2013 Dec;51(4): 376-380. (SCI)
- Lee JC, Lai WS, Kao CH, Hsu CH, Chu YH, MD, PhD, Lin YS. Multiple-parameter Evaluation Demonstrates Low Donor Site Morbidity After Submental Flap Harvesting. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2013 Oct;71(10):1800-8. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lee JC. Fibrous Dysplasia of the Craniofacial Bones. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2013 Aug;113(8):641.
- Lai WS, Lee JC, Wang CH, Chu YH. Giant Jugular Foramen Tumor. Ear Nose Throat J. 2013 Apr-May;92(4-5):180-2. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. Bilateral auricular pseudocyst. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2013 Apr;65(4):1084. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. T-cell lymphoma manifesting as an uvular mass. Rheumatology. 2013 Apr;52(4):608. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Hsu CH, Lee JC, Chu YH. Extensive blue nevus of the pharynx. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2012 May-Jun;78(3):376-7. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lee JC. Fibrous Dysplasia of the Craniofacial Bones. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2013 Aug;113(8):641.
- Lai WS, Lee JC, Wang CH, Chu YH. Giant Jugular Foramen Tumor. Ear Nose Throat J. 2013 Apr-May;92(4-5):180-2. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. Bilateral auricular pseudocyst. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2013 Apr;65(4):1084. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. T-cell lymphoma manifesting as an uvular mass. Rheumatology. 2013 Apr;52(4):608. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Hsu CH, Lee JC, Chu YH. Extensive blue nevus of the pharynx. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2012 May-Jun;78(3):376-7. (SCI)
- 112-050 Desmopressin 噴劑對人體鼻黏膜的作用(周英樑)
- 112-026內視鏡多竇副鼻竇手術的新方法(周英樑)
- 112-051鐵凋亡因子FSP1-ACSL4訊號軸調控抗腫瘤機制對於甲狀腺乳突癌治療之影響(賴文森)
- 112-027以階層式系統分析方法探討頭頸癌病人之生物機制與潛在食療以增加術後、預後之效果(賴文森)
- 111-043含第十三因子之組織凝膠在鼻甲手術的應用(周英樑)
- 111-044HIF1A /EMT axis在下咽鱗狀細胞癌中經由FAT1介導之DNA修復與耐輻射機轉(賴文森)
- 110-022 erbutaline及bambuterol人體鼻黏膜的作用及臨床運用(周英樑)
- 110-023以藥效基團分析策略探討新型冠狀病毒肺炎之舊藥新用及潛在標靶(賴文森)
- 110-052人工智能輔助之咽喉內視鏡影像量化分析與電腦自動判讀診斷咽喉病灶(賴文森)
- 110-142研發軍陣噪音性聽損的高效率內耳藥物輸送(1/3) (周英樑)
- 109-E045止血粉與組織凝膠在鼻手術之運用-創新技(周英樑)
- 109-D026以階層式系統生物分析方法探討懸浮微粒與氣喘之關聯(賴文森)
- 108-NDMC003癌瑞格在鼻咽癌細胞株上所展現的抗癌潛力(賴文森)
- 108-A15以系統生物方法揭示空汙顆粒物與呼吸道疾病之關聯機制與潛在藥物標靶(賴文森)
- 108- NDMC003癌瑞格在鼻咽癌細胞株上所展現的抗癌潛力(賴文森)
- 2023年杜拜世界耳鼻喉科醫學會(論文發表、壁報展示)
- 2024年都柏林世界耳鼻喉科醫學會
B. 專書、技術報告等
- Lai WS, Ju DT, Chu YH, Lee JC. Diode Laser Assisted Minimal Invasive Sphenoidotomy for Endoscopic Transphenoidal Pituitary Surgery: Our Technique and Results. 98th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Taipei city, Taiwan, March 19-22, 2015. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Lee JC, Chu YH, Chang YN. Giant Stensen’s Duct Calculus-Case report 97th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Taipei city, Taiwan, Nov 15-16, 2014. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Wang CH, Wang HW, Shih CP. The association of frontal recess anatomy and mucosal disease on the presence of chronic frontal sinusitis: A computed tomographic analysis. 96th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Hsinchu city, Taiwan, May 3-4, 2014. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH. Upper Airway Obstruction Secondary to Giant Supraglottic Schwannoma-Case Report. 95th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Tainan City, Taiwan, Dec 8, 2013. (Oral presentation)
- Lai WS, Shih CP, Chu YH, Wang HW. Torus Palatinus: Report of Two Cases. 12th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 6-7, 2013. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH, Lin YS, Lee JC. Multiple-parameter Evaluation Demonstrates Low Donor Site Morbidity After Submental Flap Harvesting. 94th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Tainan City, Taiwan, May 4, 2013. (Poster presentation)
- Chang TS, Lai WS, Shih CP. T-Cell lymphoma Manifesting as an Uvular mass. 94th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Tainan City, Taiwan, May 4, 2013. (Poster presentation)
- Huang CC, Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. Bilateral auricular pseudocyst. 94th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Tainan City, Taiwan, May 4, 2013. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH, Wang HW. Anti-cholinergic Effects of Fexofenadine on Tracheal Smooth Muscle. 39th Annual Military Medicine Symposium. Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 24, 2012 (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Wang CH. Obliteration of round window niche resulted from middle ear osteoma-Case Report. 93rd Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 10-11, 2012. (Oral presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH. Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)-Case Report. 92nd Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Puli town in Nantou County, Taiwan, May 6, 2012. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chen SC, Wang CH. Sjögren’s syndrome associated with Carcinoma of the nasopharynx-Case Report. 91st Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov 19-20, 2011. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH. Odontogenic keratocyst of Maxillary Sinus-Case Report. 90th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Chiayi Country, Taiwan, Mar 18, 2011. (Oral presentation)
- 眩暈、耳痛、耳鳴、外耳道炎、中耳炎、中耳積水、外耳異物聽力障礙、顏面神經麻痺等。
- 本科新購最新型耳顯微鏡及耳內視鏡,提供各種耳科手術,積極發展微創中耳內視鏡手術,大幅縮短手術時間及術後照顧。
- 耳科主要設備有中耳功能檢查儀、聽性腦幹檢查儀、高階前庭光電眼振螢幕系統、複頻式中耳分析儀、聽力檢查儀、耳咽管檢測儀及重心動搖檢測儀。
- 鼻出血、鼻塞、流鼻水、鼻涕倒流、鼻過敏、鼻部變形、鼻息肉、鼻甲肥厚、鼻中膈彎曲、嗅覺異常等。
- 本科廣泛應用微創內視鏡影像系統進行鼻部手術,目前已引進領導業界之3D立體導航手術系統,使手術視野更精準、傷口更小,減少病人併發症的發生率。本科獨創新式鼻部手術,術後幾乎無痛感,且恢復更快。另本科鼻整型手術與業界發展同步,效果治療效果深獲肯定。
- 咽喉痛、扁桃腺炎、咽喉異物、口腔潰瘍、口腔病變、聲音沙啞、舌頭疾病、吞嚥異常、打呼、睡眠呼吸中止症、喉頭異物感及吞嚥障礙等。
- 耳鼻喉腫瘤,包含鼻部、鼻咽腔、口腔、舌頭、咽部、喉部、聲帶、唾液腺暨甲狀腺之腫瘤,皆能妥善處理。若確認為癌症,本院有癌症專科團隊,手術併放、化療治療,具有專業性及完整性,技術及經驗皆與醫學中心同步。
- 另本院領先同儕之IGRT影像導引放射治療(真光刀)、高脈衝雷射手術儀,同時發展細胞治療、免疫療法等,打造精準醫療。
- 現代人常見的睡眠呼吸中止,陸續有多項睡眠生理檢查、麻醉誘導睡眠內視鏡等,治療前先進行精準評估,可依照每位病人之獨特狀況客製化個人醫療。
- 主要設備有3D內視鏡及超脈衝雙輸出光纖二氧化碳雷射組,以高階微創手術進行。
- 持續研發與創新,發展精準醫療,提供準醫學中心等級之服務與技術。
- 發展甲狀腺射頻消融手術及耳咽管氣球擴張手術,提供更便民之醫療服務。
- 提供專業語言治療服務,進行頭頸癌患者之吞嚥及嗓音復健,以及聲帶疾病患者之音聲治療。
- 本科新購最新型耳顯微鏡及耳內視鏡,提供各種耳科手術,積極發展微創中耳內視鏡手術,大幅縮短手術時間及術後照顧。
- 耳科主要設備有1.聽力評估:聽力檢查儀、中耳分析儀(鼓室圖、聽反射、耳咽管功能)、2.電生理評估:聽性腦幹檢查儀、聽覺穩定狀態電位反應檢查儀、耳聲傳射檢查儀(DPOAE)、3.內耳前庭功能評估:前庭誘發肌電位檢查儀、高階前庭光電眼振螢幕系統及重心動搖檢測儀。
- 廣泛應用微創內視鏡影像系統進行鼻部手術,目前已引進耗資千萬之3D立體導航手術系統,更有效移除病變區域,使手術視野更精準、傷口更小,減少病人併發症的發生率。
- 另外本科獨創新式鼻部手術,術後幾乎無痛感,且恢復更快。
- 鼻科主要設備有3D鼻竇內視鏡組、立體定位導航手術系統、動力旋轉刀(又稱微型吸絞器)系統、鼻用雷射系統。
- 服務項目為口腔及咽喉頭頸相關疾患,如音聲疾患、口腔癌、口咽癌、喉癌、下咽癌、頭頸部腫瘤、睡眠呼吸中止症、及吞嚥障礙等。
- 配合本院領先同儕之IGRT影像導引放射治療(真光刀),讓耳鼻喉的癌症治療更加全面及完整。另外與醫學中心同步,發展細胞治療、免疫療法等最新精準醫療,讓後期之耳鼻喉頭頸癌症病患接受最先進之醫療服務。
- 現代人常見的睡眠呼吸中止,陸續有多項睡眠生理檢查、麻醉誘導睡眠內視鏡等,治療前先進行精準評估,可依照每位病人之獨特狀況客製化個人醫療。
日期 | 標題 | 點閱 |
112-07-14 | 耳鼻喉科-自費特材 | 27465 |
112-07-14 | 高階前庭光電眼振排程單 | 27708 |
112-07-14 | 指導患者耳滴劑使用方法 | 27498 |
112-07-14 | 慢性中耳穿孔-耳內視鏡微創手術治療 | 27602 |
112-07-14 | 耳石脫落症—垂直型 | 106608 |
112-07-14 | 耳石脫落症—水平型 | 34005 |
- 鼻中膈鼻道成形術(反覆性鼻塞、流鼻水)
- 懸雍垂顎咽成形術(打呼、反覆扁桃腺發炎、扁桃腺腫大、睡眠呼吸中止)
- 鼓室成形術(耳膜破損、傳導性聽障)
- 中耳通氣管置入術(耳朵積水、積膿)鼻電燒灼術、鼻雷射、低溫射頻手術(流鼻血、鼻塞)
- 喉顯微手術(聲帶結節、腫瘤、鼻息肉、鼻或鼻竇腫瘤、黴菌性鼻竇炎)
- 功能鼻竇內視鏡手術(鼻竇炎)
- 喉閃頻及喉鏡內視鏡:可快速診斷下咽部、喉部、聲帶之疾病進而更詳盡評估及治療,聲音沙啞病患也可進行聲音評估
- 鼻咽纖維內視鏡:針對鼻腔、鼻咽、口咽及下咽部之病灶加以診斷
- 純音聽力檢查儀、耳聲傳射檢查、中耳聽阻分析:聽力功能之評估及診斷
- 聽性腦幹反應檢查儀:聽神經瘤之診斷
- 重心動搖儀檢查:幫助眩暈病患評估內耳功能,以利治療
- 過敏原檢驗:可幫助鼻過敏病患即早查出對何種過敏原過敏,加以預防治療
- 鼻甲電燒灼:針對鼻塞病患快速解決鼻塞之苦
- 2024年都柏林世界耳鼻喉科醫學會
- 2023年杜拜世界耳鼻喉科醫學會(論文發表、壁報展示)
- 賴文森主任參加電台活動
- 2016年斯德哥爾摩第二十六屆歐洲鼻科研討會(論文發表)
- 2016年都柏林第三十屆世界語言暨音聲年會及學術研討會
- 2015年布拉格第三屆歐洲耳鼻喉暨頭頸外科年會及學術研討會(論文發表)
- 2014年阿姆斯特丹第二十五屆歐洲鼻科研討會(論文發表)
- 2014年新加坡中央醫院功能性鼻整形手術進修(右一賴文森右二吳昭寬)
- 2020- present Reviewer, Frontiers in Pharmacology
- 2017-present Editorial board, the Journal of Taiwan Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery
- 2017-present Reviewer, the Journal of Taiwan Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery
- 2004M.S., Institute of Aerospace and Undersea Medicine, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2000M.D., Department of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2014-Present Head, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
- 2015 Visiting Scientist, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, U.S.A
- 2011-2013 Attending Physician of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Taichung Armed Forces General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
- 2010-present Lecturer, School of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center,
- 2009 Postgraduate study, Clinical Skills laboratory, Postgraduate Institute, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
- 2004-2011 Resident, Chief Resident, Attending physician, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- 2023A novel technique in sinus surgery with turbinectomy. The International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Societies World Congress 2023 (IFOS ENT World Congress 2023 Dubai) Oral Presentation 2023 Efficacy of Dymista nasal spray in isolated tracheal mucosa. The International ederation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Societies World Congress 2023 (IFOS ENT World Congress 2023 Dubai) Oral Presentation
- 2021A novel technique in sinus surgery with turbinectomy – fewer complications and better life quality. The 28th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society in conjunction with 39th International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose and 21th Congress of the International Rhinology Society (ERS 2021 Thessaloniki) Oral Presentation
- 2019 Use of hemostatic matrix and fibrin sealant in nasal surgery – a novel technique. The 5rd European Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL and Head & Neck Surgery (CEORL-HNS 2019 Brussels) E-poster
- 2018 The 27th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society in conjunction with 37th International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose and 19th Congress of the International Rhinology Society (ERS 2018 London)
- 2017 Measurement of objective glottal area using laser beam laryngo- stroboscopy and multi-slice spiral computed tomography. The International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Societies World Congress 2017 (IFOS ENT World Congress 2017 Paris) Oral Presentation
- 2016 Effects of Oral Bronchodilator on Tracheal Smooth Muscle in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma. The 26th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society in conjunction with 35th International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose and 17th Congress of the International Rhinology Society (ERS-ISIAN-IRS 2016 Stockholm) Oral presentation
- 2015 Measurement of Glottal Area using Laser Beam Strobo-laryngoscoy. The 3rd Congress of the Confederation of the European ORL and Head &
- Neck Surgery (CEORL-HNS 2015 Prague) Oral presentation
- 2014Effect of Antihistamine nasal spray on Tracheal Smooth muscle. The 25th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society in conjunction with 32nd
- International Symposium of Infection & Allergy of the Nose (ERS-ISIAN 2014 Amsterdam) Oral presentation
- 2013 Azelastine Nasal Spray Inhibiting Parasympathetic Function of Tracheal Smooth Muscle. The 11th Japan-Taiwan Conference of Otolaryngology-
- Head and Neck Surgery (TJENT2013). Oral presentation.
- 2012 Application of Laser-Assisted Strobo-laryngoscope on The Measurement of Glottal Area. Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Annual Scientific Meeting Oral presentation
- 2011 Application of Laser-Assisted Strobo-laryngoscope on The Measurement of Glottal Area. The 11th Japan-Taiwan Conference of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (JTC2011) Oral presentation
- 2009 Attic Obliteration Alone or Combined with Mastoid Obliteration applied in Middle Ear Surgery. The 10th Taiwan-Japan Conference of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (TJENT2009) Oral presentation
- Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis
- Voice and laryngology
- Head and neck cancer
- Chou YL*, Wang HW. Desmopressin nasal spray inhibiting parasympathetic function on isolated tracheal smooth muscle. Int J Med Sci. 2024 Jul 21(9): 1783-1789. DOI: 10.7150/ijms.98166 (SCI)
- Chou YL* Wang YT, Cheng LH, Liu SC, Wang HW. Efficacy of levocetirizine in isolated rat tracheal smooth muscle. Int J Med Sci. 2023 Oct 2;20(13):1671-1678. Doi: 10.7150/ ijms. 86769. (SCI)
- Chou YL*, Wang HW, Effect of betahistine on isolated rats’ tracheal smooth muscles. J Med Sci. 2023 DOI: 10.4103/jmedsci.jmedsci_224_22 (SCI)
- Chen CT, Chou YL* Wang. HW. Using a modified apron tracheostomy to prevent stoma stenosis post a total laryngectomy. J Sur Re Rep: JSRR-108, 2023.
- Lin YC , Shih CP, Chen HC, Chou YL*, Sytwu HK, Fang MC, Lin YY, Kuo CY, Su HH, Hung CL, Chen HK Wang CH, Ultrasound Microbubbles Enhance the Efficacy of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Therapy for the Treatment of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Molecules. 2021 Jun 13;26(12):3626. (SCI)
- Lin YC, Lin YY, Chen HC, Kuo CY, Liao AH, Chou YL*, Hung CL, Shih CP, Wang CH, Ultrasound Microbubble-Facilitated Inner Ear Delivery of Gold Nanoparticles Involves Transient Disruption of the Tight Junction Barrier in the Round Window Membrane. Front Pharmacol. 2021 Jun 28;12:689032 (SCI)
- Wang HW, Liu SC, Chou YL*, Kao CH, Kuo CFJ, The Effect of Inspiration and Phonation on Vocal Fold Length. Journal of Rhinolaryngo-Otologies, 2015 Mar, 3(1):1-53(1):1-5 DOI:10.12970/2308-7978.2015.03.01.1
- Jeffrey Kuo CF J, Wang HW, Hsiao SW, Peng KC, Chou YL*, Lai CY, Hsu CT M, Development of laryngeal video stroboscope with laser marking module for dynamic glottis measurement. Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2014 Jan;38(1):34-41. doi: 10.1016 (SCI)
- Chou YL*, Huang BR, Wang CH. En Bloc Surgical Removal of An Asymptomatic Glomus Tympanicum Tumor. J Chin Med Assoc. 2011 Nov;74(11):520-22. (SCI)
- Chou YL*, Kang BH, Radiology Quiz Case: Ectopic minor salivary gland with mucocele formation. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011;137(4):404. (SCI)
- Lin YY, Chou YL*, Chu YH, Wu CC, Wang JY, Wang HW, Effects of cromolyn sodium on isolated rat’s trachea. Allergy Rhinol (Providence). 2011 Apr-Jun; 2(2): e46–e50. doi: 10.2500/ar.2011.2.0015
- Lee JC, Chou YL*, Antrochoanal Polyp. N Engl J Med. 2010 Jun 3;362(22):2113
- Chou YL*, Wu CC, HW Wang, Effects of bambuterol and terbutaline on isolated rat’s tracheal smooth muscle. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2010 Aug;267(8):1305-11
- Wang HW, Chou YL*, Chu YH. Azelastine nasal spray inhibiting parasympathetic function of tracheal smooth muscle. Rhinol 48(2):211-5, 2010. (SCI)
賴文森 醫師 論文著作:
A. 期刊 (2012~2019年) 論文著述:
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Lee JC. Accidental Intubation of the Soft Palate. Ear Nose Throat J. 2018 Oct (E-Pub)(SCI)
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Lee JC. Bilateral intubation granulomas. Ear Nose Throat J. 2019 Feb;98(2):78. (SCI)
- Cheng SY, Cheng LH, Liao YS, Lai WS. A rare laryngeal tumor in a patient with thyroid papillary cancer: granular cell tumor. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 Jul – Aug;84(4):519-522. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Cheng SY, Lin YY, Yang PL, Lin HC, Cheng LH, Yang JM, Lee JC. Clinical assessment of diode laser-assisted endoscopic intrasphenoidal vidian neurectomy in the treatment of refractory rhinitis. Lasers Med Sci. 2017 Dec;32(9):2097-2104 (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Wang CH, Chen HC. Measles: A missed cause of acute tonsillitis. Ear Nose Throat J. 2017 Oct-Nov;96(10-11):E54-E55. (SCI)
- Lin HC, Huang YS, Chu YH, Liu SC, Shangkuan WC, Lai WS, Yang JM, Lin YS, Ma KH, Lee JC. Vascular anatomy is a determining factor of successful submental flap raising: a retrospective study of 70 clinical cases. PeerJ. 2017 Sep 19;5:e3606. (SCI)
- Lin YY, Chen HC, Lai WS, Wu LW, Wang CH, Lee JC, Kao TW, Chen WL. Gender Differences in the Association between Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Hearing Threshold Shifts. Sci Rep. 2017 May 19;7(1):2201. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Shih CP, Chen HC, Yang PL, Chu YH, Yang JM, Lee JC. Clinical application of suction tube-assisted septal submucosal dissection for endoscopic septoplasty. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Mar;274(3):1471-1475. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang HW. Nodular Torus Palatinus. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2016 Jul;116(7):491.
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Lee JC. Bilateral intubation granulomas. Ear Nose Throat J. 2016 Mar;95(3):E44 (SCI)
- Yang ML, Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH. Supraglottic schwannoma presenting as upper airway obstruction in an elderly man. Int J Gerontol. 2015 Dec 9(4):239-42 (SCI)
- Tsai WC, Yang JM, Liu SC, Chu YH, Lai WS, Lin YS, Lee JC. Management of different kinds of head and neck defects with the submental flap for reconstruction. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 Dec;272(12):3815-9. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lee JC, Chu YH, Chang YN. Giant Stensen’s Duct Calculus. Ear Nose Throat J. 2015 Apr-May;94(4-5):144. (SCI)
- Lee JC, Lai WS, Ju DT, Chu YH, Yang JM. Diode laser assisted minimal invasive sphenoidotomy for endoscopic transphenoidal pituitary surgery: Our technique and results. Lasers Surg Med. 2015 Mar;47(3):239-42. (SCI)
- Chang TS, Lai WS, Kuo CY, Wang CH. Osteoma of the middle ear. Ear Nose Throat J. Ear Nose Throat J. 2014 Oct-Nov;93(10-11):E43. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lee JC. Intranasal Ectopic Tooth. Indian J. Med. Res. 2014 Nov;140:80. (SCI)
- Su WF, Liu SC, Cheng LH, Chang YN, Chiu FS, Lin YY, Lai WS, Feng HM, Wu CK. Revised thyroplasty: The importance of inner perichondrium dissection. J Med Sci. 2014 Sep-Oct;34(5):207-210.
- Lai WS, Liu FC, Wang CH, Chen HC. Unusual cancer in primary Sjogren syndrome. Can Fam Physician. 2014 Oct:60(10): 912-915. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Yang PL, Lee CH, Lin YY, Chu YH, Wang CH, Wang HW, Shih CP. The association of frontal recess anatomy and mucosal disease on the presence of chronic frontal sinusitis: A computed tomographic analysis. Rhinology. 2014 Sep:52(3) 208-214. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lin JC. Recurrent serotype K1 Klebsiella pneumoniae liver abscess: a single or different pathogen? J Med Sci. 2014 May-Jun:34(3):133-136
- Lai WS, Shih CP. Triple torus palatinus. Indian J. Med. Res. 2014 May;139:788 (SCI)
- Lee JC, Tsai KK, Chen HC, Shih CP, Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH, Lin YS. Clinical presentation and treatment of primary and secondary paranasal mucoceles. J Med Sci. 2014 Jan-Feb;34(1):19-22.
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Wang CH, Wang HW. Efficacy of fexofenadine in isolated rat tracheas. Rhinology. 2013 Dec;51(4): 376-380. (SCI)
- Lee JC, Lai WS, Kao CH, Hsu CH, Chu YH, MD, PhD, Lin YS. Multiple-parameter Evaluation Demonstrates Low Donor Site Morbidity After Submental Flap Harvesting. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2013 Oct;71(10):1800-8. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lee JC. Fibrous Dysplasia of the Craniofacial Bones. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2013 Aug;113(8):641.
- Lai WS, Lee JC, Wang CH, Chu YH. Giant Jugular Foramen Tumor. Ear Nose Throat J. 2013 Apr-May;92(4-5):180-2. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. Bilateral auricular pseudocyst. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2013 Apr;65(4):1084. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. T-cell lymphoma manifesting as an uvular mass. Rheumatology. 2013 Apr;52(4):608. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Hsu CH, Lee JC, Chu YH. Extensive blue nevus of the pharynx. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2012 May-Jun;78(3):376-7. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Lee JC. Fibrous Dysplasia of the Craniofacial Bones. The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2013 Aug;113(8):641.
- Lai WS, Lee JC, Wang CH, Chu YH. Giant Jugular Foramen Tumor. Ear Nose Throat J. 2013 Apr-May;92(4-5):180-2. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. Bilateral auricular pseudocyst. Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2013 Apr;65(4):1084. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. T-cell lymphoma manifesting as an uvular mass. Rheumatology. 2013 Apr;52(4):608. (SCI)
- Lai WS, Hsu CH, Lee JC, Chu YH. Extensive blue nevus of the pharynx. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2012 May-Jun;78(3):376-7. (SCI)
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- 2023年杜拜世界耳鼻喉科醫學會(論文發表、壁報展示)
- 2024年都柏林世界耳鼻喉科醫學會
B. 專書、技術報告等
- Lai WS, Ju DT, Chu YH, Lee JC. Diode Laser Assisted Minimal Invasive Sphenoidotomy for Endoscopic Transphenoidal Pituitary Surgery: Our Technique and Results. 98th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Taipei city, Taiwan, March 19-22, 2015. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Lee JC, Chu YH, Chang YN. Giant Stensen’s Duct Calculus-Case report 97th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Taipei city, Taiwan, Nov 15-16, 2014. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Lin YY, Chu YH, Wang CH, Wang HW, Shih CP. The association of frontal recess anatomy and mucosal disease on the presence of chronic frontal sinusitis: A computed tomographic analysis. 96th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Hsinchu city, Taiwan, May 3-4, 2014. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH. Upper Airway Obstruction Secondary to Giant Supraglottic Schwannoma-Case Report. 95th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Tainan City, Taiwan, Dec 8, 2013. (Oral presentation)
- Lai WS, Shih CP, Chu YH, Wang HW. Torus Palatinus: Report of Two Cases. 12th Taiwan-Japan Conference on Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. Taipei, Taiwan, Dec 6-7, 2013. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH, Lin YS, Lee JC. Multiple-parameter Evaluation Demonstrates Low Donor Site Morbidity After Submental Flap Harvesting. 94th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Tainan City, Taiwan, May 4, 2013. (Poster presentation)
- Chang TS, Lai WS, Shih CP. T-Cell lymphoma Manifesting as an Uvular mass. 94th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Tainan City, Taiwan, May 4, 2013. (Poster presentation)
- Huang CC, Lai WS, Wang CH, Shih CP. Bilateral auricular pseudocyst. 94th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Tainan City, Taiwan, May 4, 2013. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH, Wang HW. Anti-cholinergic Effects of Fexofenadine on Tracheal Smooth Muscle. 39th Annual Military Medicine Symposium. Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 24, 2012 (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Wang CH. Obliteration of round window niche resulted from middle ear osteoma-Case Report. 93rd Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 10-11, 2012. (Oral presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH. Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD)-Case Report. 92nd Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Puli town in Nantou County, Taiwan, May 6, 2012. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chen SC, Wang CH. Sjögren’s syndrome associated with Carcinoma of the nasopharynx-Case Report. 91st Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov 19-20, 2011. (Poster presentation)
- Lai WS, Chu YH, Wang CH. Odontogenic keratocyst of Maxillary Sinus-Case Report. 90th Annual Meeting Taiwan Otolaryngological Society. Chiayi Country, Taiwan, Mar 18, 2011. (Oral presentation)