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Department of medical administration

  • To handle the professional work from Taichung Municipal Government Health Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare Department of Disease Control, Health and Welfare Department Central Health Insurance Department and Ministry of Health National Health Department.
  • To handle the work from Labor Insurance Bureau and help the insurance companies to investigate the case
  • Hospital flu vaccine injection, adult and children flu vaccine, old Streptococcus pneumoniae and other vaccination operations
  • With the management room for the cooperation with 中榮
  • Annual Ministry of National Defense Military Medical Research and Inspection Supervision and supervision of Taichung City Health Bureau supervision and other operations.
  • Prevention of health care and infectious diseases prevention and control and other related operations
  • Medical license application(register, update)
  • Medical personnel IC card certificate application, reported support applications, perennial fees write off.
  • Medical public debt arrears call related operations
  • To handle the hospital change of operationg license
  • Inspection the digital medical record rate for doctors
  • To handle treatment of public complaints cases

Administrative Business

Personnel recruitment, pay, insurance, labor insurance business, leave day , leave subsidy application and control, camp security, labor safety and health management, production management, parking management, property management, meal management, logistics business, document delivery (letters, written, hospital e-mail), laundry management.

Medical quality business

To handle the activity of patient safety week, the index of medical quality,
Medical services (outpatient department, emergency and hospitalization) statistics, handle the hospital assessment application related work, outpatient department and emergency and hospital residents satisfaction survey.

Sanitation business

Handling the annual homework assignments and other related operations, police connection system maintenance operations, a large number of injuries drills, medical anti-violence exercise and our staff annual CPR training and other operations.

Contact us(04)2203-3178#525027、525028

Registration department

  • To handle prices, registration and charges of outpatient department and emergency
  • Application for each diagnostic certificate (English birth certificate, death certificate and network notification, etc.)
  • Admission procedures and nursing home charges
  • The investigation(Court, army, insurance company, labor insurance bureau, health insurance bureau)
  • Foreign care workers apply
  • Non – medical period medical record application
  • Application for major injury certificate and online registration
  • Referral and public referral business
  • Physician class table changes computer maintenance and network announcements, posters posted
  • The production of administrative statements(Outpatient clinic audit, leave without permit, physician monthly diagnostic report statistics, hospital roster, military day, monthly report)
  • Ward daily occupancy rate and occupancy rate SMS sent

Contact us(04)2203-3178#525030、525031、525034

Department of medical records

About us

The medical records contains the treament process and patients’ complete information. Through the records of the medical records, the patient can receive continuous care, physicians aould know all the important information of the patient in a short period of time, so that the diagnosis and treatment work can continue.
Medical records are also an important basis for medical institutions to pay insurance, that is, the income and expenditure of medical institutions and the hospital’s medical records and disease classification of good quality is inextricably linked. In addition, medical records is important in the teaching, research and medical quality of the information provided.


  • All the medical records out of the library, transmission, recovery, storage, tracking query operations transmission, recovery, storage, tracking operations
  • Insurance business medical records inquiries query
  • Service patients, patients apply for medical records photocopying content confirmation and photocopying Contact us (04)2203-3178#525032

Engineering business department

Fire management, maintenance of water and electricity, medical gas and air conditioning equipment maintenance and management, small repair business, the annual project engineering repair, supervision and supervision of the log business.

Contact us(04)2203-3178#525036、525037

Office of Accounting

Outpatient and inpatient, self-paid income monthly report production, voucher custody, annual check, nursing home turnover accounting, performance supervision, performance appraisal, land, housing rent payment, residents refund and accounts receivable.

Contact us(04)2203-3178#525027、525028

Office of information

information, equipment, equipment, but also by the control, the hospital network maintenance and network set up, the information room network core Equipment, emergency response drills, medical information system shutdown emergency response drills, engine room, power system test strain drill, computer, network and card reader troubleshooting problems, telephone switchboard, room air conditioning failure repair, computer operating system installation and upgrade, Information room room environmental monitoring.

Contact us(04)2203-3178#525038

Office of environment


  • General business waste,medical waste Internet access and confirmation and the control.
  • Annual reporting business or sewage sewer system waste (sewage) water detection declaration form
  • Waste water, general waste, and infectious waste disposal.
  • Water quality inspection of drinking fountains.

Contact us:(04)2203-3178#525027、525028

Office of Private Clinic and Declare


  • Management meeting
  • Western medicine, dentist, kidney washing business ; Organize photocopying of medical records to send the Health Insurance Bureau to review
  • Dental, Western medicine, Kidney Medical Expenses and Complaints
  • Clinics, dentists, kidney washing insurance declaration and sign operations (approved, chase, pay) account processing.
  • Hospital declaration business, pre – examination, errata, daily transfer and return
  • Consolidate the physician and the performance of various subjects (performance, differences and other report).
  • Health Insurance Bureau of the trial (photocopying medical records), Shen Fu, disputes, and the payment matters
  • Check ICD-10 (9) Correspondence with medical certificate, operation code, and doctor, secretary check the correctness of medical records.
  • DRG, CMI, the amount of money generated by the report production and return
  • Major injury VPN login and send mail, return reply
  • PAC extension and reconciliation, PSY ward cut accounts, care rate (care quality) settlement.

Contact us:(04)2203-3178#525027、525028

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