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Zhejiang province to be listed as Level 2 Area from February 5; travelers with history of travel to Zhejiang required to conduct home quarantine


On February 4, 2020, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) pointed out that the recent cumulative total of confirmed cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection in Zhejiang province, China is growing, and a total of 829 cases have been reported as of February 3;and that was the second highest number of confirmed cases outside Hubei province. Furthermore, main cities in Zhejiang province, including Wenzhou and Hangzhou, have imposed restrictions on land transport and the movement of residents, which indicated that community transmission might have occurred. Considering close social and commercial exchanges between Taiwan and the province, CECC decided to list Zhejiang province as Level 2 Area starting from February 5. Travelers with a history of travel to Zhejiang province are required to be under home quarantine after entering Taiwan.

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view:12,097updated date:2020-02-04Back