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Travelers with history of travel to China, Hong Kong and Macau to be subject to tracking for home quarantine; violators can be fined up to NT$150,000


According to the Communicable Disease Control Act and related measures issued by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), travelers with history of travel to China, Hong Kong and Macau are required to undergo home quarantine for 14 days from their arrival date, the CECC stated. Furthermore, travelers subject to home quarantine shall provide correct contact information to health authorities and adhere to relevant requirements.

The CECC has utilized smart technologies to help track people under home quarantine to ensure the measure to be followed, the CECC stated today.

Individuals subject to home quarantine shall maintain hand hygiene, wash hands frequently, keep one meter away from person(s) sharing the same household and avoid contact with the person(s). If symptoms including fever and cough develop, individuals shall not seek medical attention by themselves and shall contact health authorities to arrange their medical care. Those who violate relevant requirements for home quarantine by going outside will be fined up to NT$150,000.

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